I completed my preliminary task at the beginning of my AS media studies, I had to make a school magazine. I feel that I have progressed well from my preliminary task to my finial music magazine. When I completed my preliminary task I had little knowledge and understanding of how to use photoshop so this put me at a disadvantage, however since completing my preliminary task my understanding of photoshop has progressed and I am a very pleased with the final outcome of my music magazine simply pop and feel that the magazine looks professional. My contents page on my preliminary task is very simply and there is lots of black space. I have only included one image on my contents page and the image is not good quality. However when doing my finial music magazine I used more than one image and the quality of the pictures where very good. The layout of my contents page of my preliminary task is very plain, however before completing my final music magazine I completed some research on music magazines and found that the layout needs to be creative, I have done this by including sections for the contents page and using more colours and making the text stand out. I have also included a editors note to introduces the readers to the magazine. When completing the front over of my magazine again it looked very simple. However when completed the finial version of my magazine for the masthead on the front cover and the title for the double page spread, I downloaded a front from the internet rather than using a simple front from photoshop. Since making my preliminary task I have progressed with my knowledge and understanding of how to use photoshop, this has meant that I was about to be creative on photoshop using the different tools available in order to make a successful pop music magazine. Also in order to create a good music magazine I have learnt more about music magazines after completing my preliminary task and this helped me to collect ideas for my magazine. I did this by completing research on front covers, contents pages and double pages spreads. I also looked created a mood board to help me think of ideas for my pop music magazine. Looking back at my preliminary task I feel that my work was low quality how now that I have learnt have progressed with my skills and knowledge on how to create a magazine. I feel that my finial music magazine is high quality.
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